Memorable Ways to Pop the Question
Great Sales Tool
Summarized are some of the ways jewelers have used the Memorable Ways to Pop the Question book to close more bridal engagement sales.
- Identify an upscale beauty salon near your store. Give each of the stylists in the salon a book with your store logo
and a personal message on the inside cover. Suggest that they share the book with customers who are sitting in their chairs for one or more hours. Conversations will develop among the customers about the stories as well as your store. Leaving the beauty parlor they feel good about themselves, and many jewelers have shared stories about customers who spend $1,000, $2,000, $3,000 or more on something for themselves. Some have even sent their stubborn brothers to the store to check out engagement rings! A big plus: With a list of long-time customers, beauty salons do not typically compete with each other. Consider sharing books with the other nearby beauty salons.
- Place two or three books in the offices of doctors and dentists near your store. The books may be “taken” by the patients who just might find their way into your store.
- One jeweler sent a book to his 25 best customers with a note which read, “If you know a guy who is planning to get engaged/married, give him the book.” This jeweler sold three engagement rings. Thumbing through the book, your customer will see anniversary, birthday, Valentine’s Day and Christmas stories, giving them ideas they can use themselves. And, of course, they are reminded of their “favorite” jeweler. Many of them personally thanked the jeweler for thinking of them.
- Several jewelers sent a book to men who had purchased engagement rings within the last two years. Enclosed was a note which read, If you have a buddy who is planning to propose, give him this book. As a result he sold several engagement rings.
- The romantic stories, as you can see, are written for women, but the results clearly show that men readily accept the book which influences their purchase of an engagement ring. Women who see the book and read the stories will lead them into your store because they closely associate a gift of jewelry (especially an engagement ring) with romance.
Take this opportunity to become the “Romance Advisor”
in your market.
Buy 50 books and receive the 52 Romantic Stories for your website and Facebook page at no charge.
Buy books in quantity for lower pricing.
50 @ 5.94 ea. $297
+ Romantic Stories
+ Romantic Stories
100 @ 4.97 ea. $497
+ Romantic Stories
+ Romantic Stories
200 @ 4.89 ea. $977
+ Romantic Stories
+ Romantic Stories
More than 200 books – Call for information
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Romantic Stories
Romantic Stories are a proven online marketing tool designed to bring customers from your Website and FACEBOOK page directly into your store.
Here’s how it works:
Consider posting one of the 52 electronic stories every week on your website. At the bottom of the page insert the words “bookmark this page,” it will change (for example) every Saturday at 9:06 AM.” You choose the time. It has been proven that women who come to this page on your site will not only bookmark it and return, but equally important, will forward the beautiful stories to the 20-30 or more people on their “joke list.” Of course, those recipients in turn will forward the stories to their friends. The personal introductions to your business are endless.
Jewelers have acknowledged that people who have never heard of their store, now as a direct result of the stories, lead their “fiancé to be” to the store or simply visit the store by themselves. Many jewelers further indicate that the Romantic Stories have become the single most “hit” page on their website. Additionally, a large number of those visitors stay on the site for an extended period of time.
Visitors will read heart-warming stories about bridal engagement, anniversary, birthday, Valentine’s Day, Christmas and there is even a Mother’s Day story!
Post the stories on your FACEBOOK page. Due to space limitations, however, the entire story will not fit on your FACEBOOK page. That is where you now place a link directly to your website, to guide the reader to the rest of the story, i.e., To Read The Rest Of The Story CLICK Here. Now they will visit your website every week to read the entire story.
Take this opportunity to become the “Romance Advisor” in your market.
Buy 50 books and receive the 52 Romantic Stories for your website and Facebook page at no charge.
Buy books in quantity for lower pricing.
50 @ 5.94 ea. $297
+ Romantic Stories
+ Romantic Stories
100 @ 4.97 ea. $497
+ Romantic Stories
+ Romantic Stories
200 @ 4.89 ea. $977
+ Romantic Stories
+ Romantic Stories
More than 200 books – Call for information
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Additional shipping charges will apply to deliveries outside the USA. You will be notified by our office of any additional charges that will need to be applied to your card to deliver to your location.
Point of Sale
Use Memorable Ways to Pop the Question directly at the point of sale!
A man walks into your store stating that he is looking for a diamond engagement ring. Early in the presentation, before he makes a commitment to buy, ask him how he plans to present it to her or how he plans to “pop the question.”
Typical answer . . . “Gee, I never thought about it.”
You take out a copy of THE BOOK (see below) and share your favorite engagement story with him. Follow that by saying you would like to give him a copy of this book and would also like to write a personal message to him on the inside front cover. At that point, you write a message on the inside front cover of the book which displays your store logo and then, looking him in the eye, respectfully present the book to him.
NOW you’ve changed the entire dynamic of the presentation!
Memorable Ways to Pop the Question
The Gift of Jewelry for All Occasions with Romantic Imagination
At this point the dynamic of the presentation completely changes from “What is my budget and how much am I going to spend?” to “How am I going to propose to her?” You have just directed the focus of the sale away from the price and placed it where it really belongs, on the presentation of the engagement ring or gift!
Jewelers close the sale more quickly and frequently at a higher price point because many men recognize at that point they may be undervaluing this very important day in her life.
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